Cancel and Refund
Not satisfied with our product? We promise a full refund for the item If you are unsatisfied with your order, especially in terms of quality and taste. we’ll be happy to refund the amount. Please return the unused item with tags within 24 hours of delivery
Unfortunately, is not offering reverse pickup, you may have to self-ship the item through a reliable local courier service. Any amount you spend on sending the product by yourself will be reimbursed with discount vouchers for a maximum amount of Rs.100. Please mention the invoice number on the address label. to the address mentioned below.
A refund/credit voucher will be issued only after the product is received at our warehouse. It may take up to 7 business days for the refund amount to reflect in your respective account (depending upon your bank).
Please pack the products properly and paste/write the address:
Vanga Annachi
No.5 ,Karungadu Road
Tirunelveli- 627004
Ph : 6385815500
We will make a refund when you did not receive the product for 5 business days within Tamil Nadu and 10 business days outside Tamil Nadu.
Before claiming a refund, Please call to local courier hub and enquire about the status of your consignment. The whole order amount will be refunded if the order is canceled, lost or undelivered to your preferred location.
Terms and Conditions for Returns
A refund/Coupon voucher will be issued only after the product is received at our warehouse. The refund will be initiated within 1 working day of receiving the product.
You can return either complete order or some items from the same order.
Please use separate packets for items from separate orders.
Please make sure you seal the packet completely before handing it over to courier partners.
We cannot offer a refund when the mobile number is not reachable/switched off or buyers unavailability or wrong address or item status is In transit or shipped.